ESPN Vision

In 2019 Disney leadership asked my team how might we watch sports 5 years in the future amidst a landscape of shifting consumer habits and increasingly competitive rights deals? This project leans on years of UX research, and experience operating sports streaming products, to propose a fan-centric future state of the TV apps for ESPN's forthcoming streaming service.

Design DirectorDesign Strategy, Team Lead3 Designers, 1 ResearcherNov 2019 - Feb 2020

These screens represent a small part of the full proposal. I've omitted key strategy components from this website due to NDA constraints.

I can share the full proposal on request

Sizzle Reel

Our motion & prototyping team compiled the visiontypes into a 60 second spot for our roadshow.

ESPN SportsCenter+ Concept

We had extensive user research that suggested an opportunity to create a personally relevant, time-shifted, whip-around experience for fans. Our concept was to leverage the incredible SportsCenter brand into a personalized highlight show.

The raw materials for this product all existed within the ESPN app ecosystem: game highlights, studio commentary, UI animations, and Machine Learning personalization algorithms. The net-new work was creating a branded experience with duration controls. Using these existing platform capabilities significantly lowerered the technical level of effort.